Do you sell or distribute fabric?
No. We’re just fans. But please visit our sponsors — they sell the kinds of fabric we feature here.
I’ve already scoured the internet and I’m not having any luck. Can you help me find _____ fabric?
Have you tried these free fabric-finding websites? Still no luck? I might be able to help. If I don’t know a source off the top of my head, I can pose the question to True Up readers (usually via Twitter).
I miss your old design.
It was the header, right? (The rest was pretty boring!) Here it is for old time’s sake.

Can you give away my fabrics, a gift certificate to my shop, books, patterns, or other products?
Unfortunately, due to the volume of these requests, we’ve had to scale back giveaways considerably. With rare exceptions, giveaways are limited to sponsors and blog tours pre-arranged with publishers.
May I link to True Up?
Of course! I don’t have a blogroll or links list or anything like that currently, so I don’t do link exchanges — sorry!
May I show an image from your blog?
Please don’t use images without emailing and asking first. I can usually answer you within a couple hours. If the image was created by me, I will probably say yes — I just ask for the usual: credit and a link back. Many images belong to other people or companies, though, so they’re not mine to give away — but I can give you the contact info so you can go straight to the source.
I’m a retailer and I carry the fabric you featured, will you mention me?
Retailers are always welcome to indicate in a post’s comments section when they carry the featured fabric or fabric collection. Don’t be shy!
Do you have any other questions you’d like to see answered here? By all means email me!